
Alcohol Dependence Project, Ambur India

By September 13, 2011 December 13th, 2013 No Comments
LIMM Receives Interim Report of Community Intervention Alcohol Dependence Project, Ambur India. 

In May 2011, orientation and training was given to the project coordinator and four field workers by Dr. Harshavardhan, the project’s psychiatrist. In June 2011, a door-to-door field survey of all households in Ambur was completed. 3536 families were surveyed and 824 alcohol dependents were identified with 192 being chronic alcohol addicts who need immediate intervention.  In July 2011, a professional counselor was added to the team. To date, 26 people have been counseled and prepared for treatment. 

The second phase of the project is to provide in-patient treatment to people with alcohol dependence. A building for detox patients was dedicated on July 21, 2011 by Rev. John Fale, Director, World Relief and Human Care. Renovation of this building is now in progress.

LIMM is thankful that our seed money for the program is resulting in lives restored and hope obtained.  LIMM will support the ongoing effort with $5000 for the last half of 2011. 
Please support this project with your donations.  If you or any of your loved ones have battled with alcoholism here in the USA, you know how difficult it is to get treatment and lasting results.  We are pleased to be partners with the India Evangelical Lutheran Church in this dynamic outreach to hurting people.  

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