Bobbie Lautenschlager, CEO of Lutherans in Medical Missions, recently met with Kurt Buchholz, Executive Director, Lutheran Malaria Initiative of Lutheran World Relief, and with Martha Mitkos, Director, Lutheran Malaria Initiative for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to discuss the continued response from Districts and Congregations as they pledge ongoing support to eradicate deaths from malaria in Africa by 2015.
Lautenschlager and Board Member, Dr. David Wesche, M.D. PhD represent LIMM on the Nation Malaria Council.
“We urge every congregation to support the Lutheran Malaria Initiative with various fund-raisers this summer. There are many creative ways to involved preschoolers to seniors in fun-filled, meaningful, activities that raise the spirits of congregations and invest in life-saving interventions that are practical and economical in decreasing deaths from Malaria.” states Lautenschlager.
Please send us your ideas for projects this summer. Please contact Bobbie Lautesnchlager at 314-502-4317 if you need further assistance