Community Health Education/Evangelism (CHE) Seminar
March 17-20, 2009
Lena Peregudovna, Director of the CHE Program in Kyrgyzstan
Rev. Matt Heise, Theological Educator
Approximately 11-14 women attended each day, including Church leaders and women displaced due to the recent conflict with Russia.
The vision for the CHE Seminar was to give the leaders of the Lutheran Church in Georgia an opportunity to personally experience how CHE can be used to increase the quality of life of families as well as whole communities, and to understand how it can be a tool for sharing the Gospel in various settings. It was our desire to develop self efficacy in the women who attended, and to encourage them to continue what was started during the seminar. We wanted to Train the Trainers, and we believe we succeeded to begin this process among the attendees.
The Seminar started with an overview of how the CHE Program works in other countries, most specifically in Kyrgyzstan . It concluded with those in attendance showing what they had learned by teaching it back to the instructors and to one another. This was very successful and we were all pleased with the degree of understanding and retention expressed by the students.
Topics taught and demonstrated with skits and other visual aides included:
1. CHE in Central Asia 2.Anatomy and Physiology of Reproduction 3.Family Planning, 4.Pregnancy, Growth and Development of the Unborn Child 5.Labor and Delivery 6.Breast Feeding 7.Hygiene 8.How to have a Spiritually Healthy and Happy Family 9.Avoiding and Treating Back Pain and Arthritis and 10.How to Properly Care for the Physically Handicapped.
During the Seminar, Matt and Tim spent time with the Spiritual leaders of the church, helping them develop a strategy for the next five years for church leadership and growth.
The Seminar ended with a celebration lunch and gifts were given to all who attended. Tea Breaks and lunch were provided each day.
Costs for the meals and lodging in Kutaisi were covered by the grant obtained for working with refugees from LCMS World Relief and Human Care.
All transportation costs and some lodging costs were provided by Lutherans in Medical Mission (LIMM).
The women leaders in the Church are strong and committed and have caught the vision of what can be accomplished via a CHE program. They have already made plans to hold a CHE Seminar in the city of Tsermagala on the Black Sea Coast with the women of another Georgian Lutheran congregation.
It was a great pleasure to see people take an interest in the body and soul issues of Gods people. Matthew Heise