This month LIMM (Lutherans in Medical Missions) supported Community Health Evangelism programs in Thailand and the Philippines with CHE trainers Steve and Toni Hayes from Sanford, Michigan.
The program in northern Thailand was a follow-up training to a vision trip also sponsored by LIMM that Toni had taken in November 2010. Oratai Thaweesin (nickname Dang), the executive director of Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation Thailand, and the Hayes held a four day training session teaching how to use blood pressure cuffs and how to identify and prevent high blood pressure. At the end of the training, local volunteers held a clinic where they measured and recorded blood pressure readings for people in the village.
Michelle Cagin joined the Hayes in the Philippines for the first CHE vision session with Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) and a congregational group from the Tinoc area.
Praise God for the doors that He has opened in Thailand and the Philippines through CHE projects! Pray that the church in Thailand will be able to use CHE training to improve the physical and spiritual health of the neighbors they serve. Pray God gives discernment to the LCP as they plan for CHE programs in the future. Praise God for safe travel for Toni and Steve who are now home in Michigan.

Toni in Thailand

Drive to Tonic