
Community Health Deaconess Project in Chile

By September 8, 2010 December 30th, 2013 No Comments

LIMM Board member, Rita Nickel, RN, MSEd, former LCMS missionary in Kyrgyzstan and Eurasia, traveled to Santiago, Chile August 14-22, 2010, to initiate The Community Health Deaconess Project. The project was implemented under the guidance of Olga Groh, Director of Project Management for Latin America and the Caribbean for LCMS World Mission and LCMS World Relief and Human Care and Pastor Cristian Rautenberg, President of the Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Confesional de Chile (The Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Church of Chile).


Valeria Bustamante, Missionary Deaconess from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Argentina, Alicia Schlund, a volunteer from the Lutheran Church in Argentina, and Jannet Escudero, Deaconess with the Lutheran Church of Chile joined Rita and Olga in designing a Community Health Education/Evangelism (CHE) program for use in the cities of Talca and Constitucion.


Rita describes her trip to Chile. “Along the four hour journey to Talca, we saw much evidence of the earthquake in the form of destroyed homes, buckled highways, and bridges which were simply no longer there. The Camp for Displaced Persons houses approximately 170 families. The wooden “houses” at the Camp are tiny, about the size of an average American bedroom, and are heated with only a small wood stove. There is no room for a bed during the day and even then, only room for a couple of chairs and a small table. Plastic sheeting covers windows and roofs and blows in the wind. Portable chemical latrines and large water containers dot the makeshift lanes of the camp. Plants and bright flowers in pots stood near the doors of many homes. 


“On our way back we toured the city of Constitucion and all the destruction that is still evident. Buildings and homes stand in ruin and families live in whatever makeshift arrangements can be made on their property. Workers are seen on the streets and among the ruins, but progress appears slow. Pastor Cristian stated that originally it was hoped the Camp would be closed by December, but he will be surprised if it is anytime before December of 2011.


“The deaconess team was eager to learn what we did with Community Health and Evangelism programs in Kyrgyzstan and how it could be incorporated into their plans to serve these hurting communities. It was clear that these women are dedicated to the concept of human care and its holistic approach to ministry as they began to identify needs and build relationships with other women of the community.


“Jannet taught hygiene to the women, using hand washing as the object lesson. Valeria taught the children about hand washing using yellow finger paint. I was thrilled at the presentations. Both women were excellent. Valeria and Jannet are two of the most dynamic women with whom I have ever worked.” 


In March and April, 2011, a $5100 grant from Lutherans in Medical Mission will assist The IELCHI’s in the third phase of its Action Relief Plan. A multidisciplinary team of pastors, deacons and deaconesses, some who are volunteers from other Latin American Lutheran Churches, will continue training in the Preventive Communitarian Health Program in Talca and Constitution to meet the spiritual, mental/emotional and health needs of this population which still suffers as a result of the earthquake and tsunami. 


“LIMM is blessed to identify and support expert trainers who are culturally experienced in teaching community members how to meet some of their own health and spiritual needs,” states Bobbie Lautenschlager, LIMM’s Executive Director. “We are especially privileged to partner with the IELCHI as together we ‘create a vision for medical ministry as a critical witness in the effort to bring the reality of God’s love to all people, recognizing each individual as body and spirit in need of the restorative power of Jesus Christ.’” (From LIMM’s Purpose Statement)


Chile Deaconess Jannet


Gathering water in Chile


Hand washing experiment in Chile


Chile CHE Team

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