Dr. John Lautenschlager has returned to Haiti to work on the Mercy Medical Team of LCMS World Relief and Human Care for an additional week. He was in Haiti with the WR&HC assessment team the previous week. He will work in a clinic located at Jacmel, Haiti with the assistance of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti. A WR&HC team is being assembled for deployment to Haiti Feb. 13 for another week of clinical work. Surgeons, OR nurses, wound specialists, anesthesiologists, and PTs are especially needed. Must have a valid passport, typhoid, Hep A and B should be up-to-date and previous experience in disaster and cross-cultural settings would be very helpful. Will need to take Malaria prevention. More information and REGISTRATION FORM is available at www.lcms.org/mercyteams. Please fill out the form and write [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] regarding your availability for that time frame or for future teams. THERE WILL BE MUCH WORK TO DO IN MONTHS TO COME. NOTE: If you write only to LIMM I must then get it on to the right place–write them directly in your first email.

Dr. John Lautenschlager, M. D. serves with the World Relief and Human Care Mercy Medical Team in Jacmel, Haiti.

Rev. Dr. Douglas Rutt, Professor at Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN. waits at the airport in Miami to travel to Haiti as a member of the LCMS World Relief and Human Care/World MiIssion assessment team for earthquake disaster relief.
A report of the work in Haiti will be included in the LIMM Forum March 19 and 20 held at the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you are interested in attending the Forum, please review the schedule and send the registration form to:
P.O. Box 766
Concordia, MO 64020
To view the schedule,please click here.
To view the registration form, please click here.
Thank you for your prayers, your financial assistance, and for your willingness to volunteer.