
LIMM Easter Newsletter – 2012

By April 4, 2012 December 18th, 2013 No Comments

Good Friday, 2012

Dear Easter Friends,

We would not greet each other with “Happy Good Friday”, but the sacrifice of our Lord on the Cross is the center point of our being able to announce God’s forgiveness to those we serve.

LIMM is thankful for partners who allow us to help sick and hurting people globally, and for international partners who share in announcing God’s forgiveness to people that are served.

On his return from his survey trip to Bethesda Hospital, Ambur, India, Joseph Nesa reported that he visited the alcohol treatment program and that it was running well, serving those afflicted with this addiction–some within the church.  We are pleased that through our partnership with Concordia Lutheran Ministry, we were able to send $5000 for the first half of 2012’s budget.

The Community Health Education Program in Thailand, also in partnership with Concordia Lutheran Ministry, received $4500 from LIMM to meet their staffing and training needs for 2012.

LIMM has provided a $2000 grant to Lutheran Parish Nurses International for the airfare of Raeda Mansour, Lutheran Parish Nurse in the West Bank, Palestine to travel from Bethlehem to Ammon, Jordan to Oulu, Finland to attend the Lutheran Parish Nurse International Conference in September, 2012.  Raeda will network with parish nurses from Australia, Finland, Germany, USA, and other countries, sharing her experience in Palestine and learning from them in return.

We are thankful for you, our partners in this work, that we are able to respond positively to these requests.

Blessed Good Friday and a joyous Easter,

Bobbie Lautenschlager

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