Lutherans in Medical Missions
Works with local and global partners to share Christ’s healing in medically underserved communities
Lent prepares us for the Good News of Easter Sunday. LIMM has some good news to share with you right now.
Exciting update from Kyrgyzstan: “Thanks to the new grant from LIMM for our community health education program, we can fulfill our long awaited dream of sending teachers and trainers to remote areas of the country. We are able to provide health and wellness classes to those who have been asking for our help in creating healthier families and communities, both now and for eternity.”
Encouraging words from East Asia: “I am a young wife and mother of a small son, who had the opportunity to become a Health Advocate. Even though I am still in my twenties, I decided that I could not waste this chance of being a role model. During my entire childhood garbage had always been thrown at will in our small village. However, after hearing my health lessons and seeing the impact they had made in the village where I now live, my father became aware of the severe consequences to the environment caused by the random scattering of garbage. He instructed his village to designate a specific location for all waste items. Though there is still a long way to go, my father’s village has taken a step forward, and we will continue to grow with our knowledge.”
Great news from Hyattsville, Maryland: In 2013, Redeemer and Trinity Lutheran Churches, together with the Lutheran Mission Society (LMS) of Maryland, opened an LMS Compassion Center on the Redeemer Campus, offering clothing, food, household items, Bible studies, Chaplaincy and Christian counseling to their underserved neighbors. In early 2014, LIMM joined the partnership by helping to fund a part time nurse to lead Health and Wellness activities and classes. This addition has been a great blessing, not only to those served, but to those who serve. What if the nurse was able to teach and train others to take health and wellness classes and activities directly into the community? Wow! What if this model could be replicated in other communities? Double Wow!
Still more good news from Lutheran Parish Nurses International (LPNI): With the help of a travel grant from LIMM, Ellie Natera and Walpain Lagot, Parish Nurses from Papua, New Guinea (PNG), will attend the LPNI 2015 Travel Tour to New Zealand. Together with their peers from all over the world, they will worship, study the Word and grow in skills as they share experiences and insights, empowering them to better serve their neighbors in villages across PNG.
We have lots more good news to share with you! To learn more about LIMM’s partnerships here and abroad, or if you are interested in short term mission opportunities, please contact us at [email protected] or call Rita at 904-806-8679.
There is so much to do, but only with you at our side can we meet the challenge. Please join us! If there is a particular project you feel led to support, let us know and we will send you stories and photos as we receive them.
Lenten Blessings,
Marguerite “Rita” Nickel
Executive Director