Lutherans in Medical Missions Needs Your Help!
Thailand, Chile, Hong Kong, India, Palestine, the Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, West Asia, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, Peru, Africa, Belize, and the United States. For over two decades, on harvest fields around the world, LIMM has been beside God’s people as they help to change lives for eternity and give families a sense of hope and purpose. We assist health care professionals with travel costs, help Lutheran parish nurses gather together to learn, share and support one another, make it possible for LCMS called medical missionaries to attend workshops and take courses, create community health webinars and workshops, and connect those seeking to serve with those in need of service. We are always seeking opportunities to partner with others, keeping Christ the center of every decision.
Here are a few examples of LIMM at work in the past, present and future:
- · Travel Grants for RNs, student nurses and others, so that they may serve on medical mission teams, treating, teaching and encouraging those whose lives they touch, helping them to develop the skills needed for creating healthy families and communities.
- · Community health teaching/training for deaconesses and others serving with the Confessional Lutheran Church of Chili and financial support for two missionaries of the Confessional Lutheran Church of Chile to participate in community health education training in Peru.
- · Community health education workshops in Omaha, Nebraska and St. Louis, Missouri.
- · Community health education webinar for Lutheran parish nurses.
- · Grants for LCMS Medical Missionaries Sarah Kanoy and Stephanie Schulte to attend community health education training in preparation for their work in Africa.
- · Reimbursement to Stephanie for a Wound Care Certification course at Emory University, so that she will be even more prepared to bring Christ’s healing touch to those in her care.
- · Travel Grants for parish nurses from India, PNG, Palestine and Madagascar to gatherings of their peers, where they are encouraged and empowered to go forth in joy.
- · Financial support for a community health and wellness program as part of the Lutheran Mission Society Compassion Center in Hyattsville, Maryland.
- · Partnering to make it possible for Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Church to begin a program on the Winnebago Indian Reservation, in Winnebago, Nebraska, where this summer parents are learning how to raise physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy children in a home where Christ is at the center.
There is so much more to do! Soon we will begin the process of reviewing and adapting health and wellness lessons for both children and adults. Next year we want to use those lessons in a training the trainer community health education workshop, so that more and more leaders will be available to go forward into harvest fields from Togo to Texas.
We need you to join us! Donations, overflowing from your mission hearts, make it possible for others to share Christ’s healing in a lost and dying world. Wherever they go, our Lord sees you walking beside them. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Rita Nickel