
LIMM October 2014 Newsletter

By October 29, 2014 No Comments

“When we do something new, first let’s talk about what we’ll do.”  My five year old grandson and I sang that little jingle along with Daniel Tiger one August morning as we watched his favorite TV show. Daniel was about to start kindergarten. He was eager and excited, but a little scared as well, so his mother explained and demonstrated exactly what would be happening. I know how Daniel felt and I bet you do too. New situations can be overwhelming and when that happens, it helps to talk (or sing) about “what we’ll do.”

Individuals and families arriving for the first time in our country are bombarded with new situations. Like Daniel, they are often happy but anxious about what it will be like and how they will cope. We can help allay their anxieties when we are able to demonstrate exactly what will be happening.

After a trial run at the Peace International Center, Omaha, LIMM is ready to launch our one day workshop, presenting an interactive teaching model known as LePSAS (Learning centered, Problem posing, Self-discovering, Action centered, Spirit guided), which teaches the learner how to write or adapt lessons as varied as going to an American doctor for the first time to navigating a supermarket.  Fun, interactive, and complete with skits and role plays, LePSAS is one way to bridge the gap between ourselves and our new neighbors. LePSAS is used all over the world to equip and empower, teaching skills valuable in both new and ongoing outreach ministries. Everyone can become a teacher.  Please give us a call at 904-806-8679 or email us at [email protected] to learn more.

LIMM is busy elsewhere, helping support heath education and medical projects in Papua New Guinea, Kyrgyzstan, China, the Philippines and at the Lutheran Mission Society Compassion Center, located on the campus of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Hyattsville, Maryland. Each year we provide a travel grant, enabling a Lutheran Parish Nurse from another land to attend the Lutheran Parish Nurse International (LPNI) study tour. We partner with LCMS Mercy Medical Teams Community Health Education trips and help connect interested individuals with short term mission opportunities, while always praying for new ways to serve, both here and abroad.

Now, more than ever before, we need your help to continue our work. Please pray and ask our Lord how you can help. Below are some examples of what your donations will make possible.

$50 will produce 5 workshop manuals.
$2000 can make it possible for a nurse from India, Palestine, or another country to attend the 2015 LPNI Study Tour.
$200 or more can cover travel expenses for a workshop trainer.
$500 or more can help us provide a special training workshop for leaders.

Any gift of any amount can help us support Lutheran health and wellness projects across the world as well as here in the US.

Blessed Thanksgiving from all of us at LIMM,

Rita Nickel

LIMM Executive Director


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