We share with you a current quote reported on the British Broadcasting Corporation made in relationship to a recent article about the fight against malaria in the LANCE, the journal of British Medicine.
"Since 2004, the number of malaria deaths has dropped by about a third, and that’s really been the time when the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria has swung into action" he said.
"Over the past decade, 230 million cases of malaria have been treated and the same number of bed nets have been distributed to people at risk of malaria, and the result of that has been this huge downturn. So what we know is that we’re actually able to turn off malaria with our existing interventions."
THIS IS WONDERFUL NEWS! It indicates once again how all of us together can obtain the goal of the eradication of deaths from malaria by 2015.
If you don’t have a committee at your congregation that is working on raising money for the Lutheran Malaria Initiative, please consider taking that leadership role now. Write me for further information and support at [email protected].