
Lutheran Parish Nurses International – Palestine Trip

By December 12, 2011 December 30th, 2013 No Comments


LIMM received the following report from Lutheran Parish Nurses International Member Sue Neff regarding her recent trip to Bethlehem.

"In 2007, on my first of five mission trips to Bethlehem I was  invited to observe Palestinian parish nurses ministering in rural villages to elderly people with chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes. I was struck by the dedication of three nurses who, because of no transportation, walked several miles each day to visit about 600 people per month. They would hire a taxi, to take them to the outskirts of a village and then spend time walking from house to house taking blood pressures, testing blood sugars, and fostering relationships. As we spoke of options to assist the nurses, the seed  was planted to raise funds for a four wheel van to transport the nurses into the villages and from house to house. Through the dedication of many parish nurses and the generosity of many congregations supporting this effort, bake sales, silent auctions and other events, we were pleased to tell the people of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem that sufficient funds were raised to purchase a vehicle that meets their needs. I have just returned from Bethlehem and witnessed the joy and the gratefulness of the people who are utilizing the van for their service to "the least of these, my Brethren."

LIMM covered the airfare for Sue Neff, R,.N.  and Dr. Marcia Schnoor, R.N. for their November 25-December 2, 2011 trip to Bethlehem for Lutheran Parish Nurses International. 


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