“Missionaries Without Passports” webinar
to address transcultural health care, ministry
1 p.m. Central time on June 15
Speaker: Rita Nickel of Lutherans in Medical Missions
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Health Ministry will offer a “Missionaries Without Passports” webinar at 1 p.m. Central Daylight Time on Monday, June 15. The webinar is for parish nurses, pastors and others who are part of a multi-ethnic congregation or community.
Rita Nickel, executive director of Lutherans in Medical Missions and supporter of parish nursing, will present important principles and essential skills for administering transcultural care while also emphasizing the unique opportunities parish nurses have as they reach out to others in their local health ministries.
Learn more: Contact Tracy Quaethem at 888-843-5267 or by emailing [email protected].