Lutherans In Medical Missions (LIMM) works with local and global partners to share Christ’s healing in medically underserved communities.
LIMM fulfills its mission by:
- Linking health professionals and other committed workers with those in need.
- Creating opportunities for congregational time and talents to be used in health and healing ministries.
- Networking with medical mission sending agencies.
- Educating people about the potential for opportunities for involvement in health and healing ministries.
Lutherans in Medical Missions (LIMM) is an association of Lutheran health care professionals and laypersons who are committed to the support of Christ’s healing ministry throughout the world.
LIMM Board of Directors:
LIMM is governed by a Board of Directors which includes doctors, nurses, clergymen and lay people. The Board of Directors for 2019 are:
- Linda Jurgens, Chairman of the Board
- Dr. David Wesche
- Rev. Dr. Hector Hoppe
- Lisa Douthwaite
- Patricia Braun
- Dr. Andrew Cureton
- Rev. David Elseroad
- Andrea Ferguson
- Michelle Ritchie
- Janet Sandersen
LIMM Staff includes:
- Sharon Thomas, Executive Director
- Ross Stroh – Treasurer
- Gail Nierman – Program Assistant
We would appreciate your prayers and support. Please send LIMM an email through the contact form if you have any questions or would like to be on our mailing list.
LIMM is a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and a not-for-profit, tax exempt organization under IRS code section 501-(c)(3). Contributions made directly to LIMM are tax-deductible.