
Thank You – Stephanie Schulte

By April 13, 2016 No Comments

Dear Members of the Lutherans in Medical Missions Board,

I want to write and give you my sincere thanks and gratitude for your generous payment of the cost for me to take the Skin and Wound Module of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence certification course offered through Emory University. I am very excited about taking this module as I know it will have a direct impact on my work in West Africa. When our son was in Guinea this past Summer/Fall helping to start a health clinic he sent me a picture of a terrible wound a woman had on her foot and asked what he should do for her. I showed the picture to doctor friends who immediately said she needed surgery, which was not a possibility for this woman. Later, I showed the picture to a friend of mine who is a Wound Care certified nurse and she had many suggestions, all appropriate for the situation. This convinced me that this course would be very helpful for work in West Africa and won’t tell me to do an I & D and put a wound vac on everyone.

Again, I am so thankful and excited about this course and appreciate so very much your willingness to pay the tuition for me!

In Him,

Stephanie Schulte


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